Saturday, May 11, 2013

Premiumize vs Alldebrid - Netload, Filepost

All Debrid Refer Link : Alldebrid speed review on Netload:
Netload downloading comes in at a respectable 9.2MB/s.

Premiumize Refer Link : speed review on Netloadt:
Premiumize is slightly faster on Netload at 10.3MB/s.

All Debrid Refer Link : Alldebrid speed review on Filepost:
Filepost on Alldebrid fail to download. Server status was stating that it is online.

Premiumize Refer Link : speed review on Filepost:
Premiumize clocks in at about 9.3MB/s.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Premiumize vs AllDebrid speed review 2 -

All Debrid Refer Link : Alldebrid speed review on Uploaded:

6.6MB/s was the speed I gather when I'm downloading a file via Uploaded thru AD.

Premiumize Refer Link : speed review on Uploaded

10.4MB/s that I got when I'm downloading the exact same file from Premiumize. Premumize promises a good speed but in the expense of Filehost support.

Like what I sad on the first review, Alldebrid gives the most support of file host but some of the file host have poor speed or an error. It really comes down on the what you need and the connect/service provider you have. If you are using 100Mpbs or above, I strongly recommend Premiumize.

Refer Link :, Refer Link : Alldebrid, Refer Link : Real-Debrid

Premiumize vs All Debrid Speed review - Letitbit, RapidGator

Premiumize + All Debrid Speed review - updated May 2013

Alright guys, based on my referrer sign up (I don't make a living off this), almost 70% of you people sign up for Premiumize. 30% AllDebrid and 0% for Real Debrid. Not sure why RD is at 0% since I rated them as the fastest service provider out there. I'm going to skip RD since I do not have their active account as of this moment.

Premiumize Refer Link : speed review on Letitbit:
Here is the speed I gotten from Letitbit via Premiumize off my 100Mbps line.
The single connection limit was around 500KBps hence 20 connections open I've managed to max out around 11.7MBps. below 8 mins to complete my 5.5GB download.

All Debrid Refer Link : Alldebrid speed review on Letitbit:
I'm unable to run Letitbit test on AD appears that they no longer supports it.

All Debrid Refer Link : Alldebrid speed review on RapidGator:
Since I didn't manage to get Letitbit on AD, I set out to search for a compatible link between Premiumize and All Debrid. Rapid Gator give me 1330KBps off my 100Mbps line. Rather disappointing since I'm unable to get pass 2 connections.

Premiumize Refer Link : speed review on RapidGator:
Armed with the same link as above, Rapid Gator was much faster with 7066KBps, I saw it hover above 8000KBps but it was not constant.

Since I do not have much time in comparing all of the filehost available, I'll slowly populate the different file host when I have the time.
Refer Link : Refer Link : Alldebrid Refer Link : Real-Debrid